Nobody likes risk, unless you are seeking a thrill. Certainly when it comes to money, we all want to minimize risk. Hence why you are searching for a sure win roulette system.

I’m going to tell you how it is, which is not necessarily what you want to hear. The truth isn’t always convenient. Any website that tells you roulette can be beaten 100% of the time is “not being honest”. You probably guessed I’m not going to say roulette can be beaten every time. That isn’t exactly the case. There’s a lot more to the story as I will explain on this page.

Does a 100% Guaranteed Roulette System Exist?

The simple answer is yes in some cases, but no in most cases. It’s a technical question. It depends on many variables.

The idea behind the d’Alembert roulette system is to recoup your losses by increasing your bet after each loss. It’s the same principle as the Martingale roulette system, but bets increase linearly making this system considerably safer. Winning Roulette Strategies. Many roulette players use strategies that do not work. Unfortunately, many people are losing because they have been convinced that it is a winning roulette strategy. Everything that this article has covered so far should help you identify a losing system, should you come across one. Apr 17, 2014 But as I said at the start of the article, a guaranteed winning roulette strategy to make money is a reality, although with the following conditions: 1. You need to play over a sufficiently large sample of spins. This is because anything can happen in the short-term. The winning numbers are determined by a random number generator. So essentially it is a slot machine, the real roulette wheel. In other cases, the roulette wheel may be physically real, but spun by automated mechanisms. An example of this is the Cammegh Slingshot. Jan 01, 2020 100% Guaranteed Winning Roulette System Make a million dollars playing roulette with the best roulette strategy there is! This winning roulette system is one of a kind, and is very easy to use.

The first thing to understand is roulette is not the same between different casinos. The type of roulette is the first consideration.

For example, there’s random number generator roulette, which doesn’t use any physical wheel. The winning numbers are determined by a random number generator. So essentially it is a slot machine, the real roulette wheel.

In other cases, the roulette wheel may be physically real, but spun by automated mechanisms. An example of this is the Cammegh Slingshot.

The roulette you usually encounter in real casinos involves a real physical wheel, and a live dealer. What can be achieved on each type of roulette is discussed below.

Random Number Generator Roulette

Remember this isn’t real roulette. It is just a slot machine with fancy roulette animations. The reason you generally lose on slot machines is because of the discrepancy between odds and payout. This is otherwise known as the house edge.

The typical example I use to explain the house edge is as follows: on the European wheel there are 37 pockets. So the odds of winning on a single pocket is 1 in 37. However, the payout is 35 to 1. This payout is below the odds, therefore it’s unfair. Essentially even when you win, you still lose because the payout is unfair. This is how the casino gradually erodes your bankroll.

To profit consistently, you must win more frequently than with random bets. Another way of saying it is you need to increase the accuracy of predictions. Yet another way of saying it is you need to increase your odds.

Random number generators are specifically designed to produce random outcomes. They are designed to be unpredictable. So if your system is something like “wait for 5 reds nn a row, then bet black”, you are going to lose. It doesn’t matter what patterns you think you see, it’s just your mind playing tricks.

So is there any sure or guaranteed way of beating RNG roulette? Yes, but only if the software that generates random numbers is flawed. This may be a result of poor design. You would think that significant flaws only occur with low-grade software, from smaller companies. But there have been cases of enormous multi-billion-dollar companies that released flawed random number generator software in slot machines. This was exploited by Russian hackers, who made a fortune in a short amount of time. The problem still exists with some of the slot machines, although they may have since been replaced. So this is at least proof that random number generators can be flawed and exploited.

However, it takes a great deal of statistical analysis to uncover flaws. In the case of the Russian hackers, they actually purchased the slot machines in question. This allowed them to thoroughly study the machine. If you were to apply the same statistical analysis at online casinos, you would need to spend probably tens of thousands of dollars at the casino to have enough data. And even then, there’s a very slim chance you would uncover any flaw.

Assuming the spins from random number generators are properly random, it is not possible to overcome the house edge. This means that house edge remains at -2.7% for European wheels, and -5.26% for American wheels. See for details on rules of other games.

Real Wheel Roulette

Guaranteed winning roulette system

Real wheels are very different because they involve real physics. Instead of being random, there are numerous anomalies that make roulette spins predictable. Again this only applies to real physical wheels.

Where the ball lands on a real wheel depends on physical variables, such as the rotor and ball speeds. These can be physically measured, which in turn can predict where the ball is most likely to land. Prediction accuracy may not be perfect, but doesn’t need to be.

Even with only slightly accurate predictions, it’s quite easy to overcome the house edge. Professional roulette strategies are capable of achieving edges over 80%. This doesn’t mean you win 100% of the time though.

Let’s put it into perspective. Consider again the European wheel, which has 37 pockets. If you average 1 win every 15 spins, this is an enormous edge over the casino. But it would still be impossible to win on 100% of the spins. After all, there is always an element of luck.

Although the casino has a normal 2.7% edge over players, it’s still possible the casino loses money from time to time. After all, some players may get lucky. In fact the casino counts on this, to encourage difficulties in place to continue playing.

Understanding Statistical Variance

Guaranteed way to win roulette

Let’s assume you have a very high edge over the casino. Because anything can happen in the short term. Even with a strong edge over the casino, you may still lose. Again this is the same case for a casino, which normally has the edge over players. Even when a casino makes a loss, they know over time they’ll make back losses. Even when casinos offer bonuses, they are carefully weighted to ensure they don’t lose money. Visit to understand how bonuses work.

My point is technically it’s not 100% guaranteed that casinos will profit. This is again because anything can happen in the short term stop over the long-term, it’s extremely close to 100% guaranteed that the casino will profit. This is exactly the same case with you, as the player. That is if you have an edge of the casino.

So if you have a legitimate edge over the casino, the more you play, the closer to 100% guaranteed profits you’ll get. This is at least in theory, because we’re not considering the possibility that the casino can ban you if they suspect you of being a professional player.

To get the best free roulette systems that really work, see the top 5 proven roulette systems and the video series below. It's the best 100% free information for winning roulette you'll find. It's written by professionals who are really earning a living from roulette.

In between the thousands of spam comments on this site, I do get quite a lot of casino and roulette related questions. Last week I had an interesting one which might seem very simple to many of you but thought it was interesting none the less. It’s a suggestion for a roulette strategy to win, but in reality as you’ll probably realize there’s some slight flaws in it. It might not be one of the best roulette strategies around and it’s hardly the sort of thing we’d find in an Ian Fleming novel! However it’s interesting to consider the various scenarios that it suggests. It’s certainly worth doing this with any of the roulette betting systems that you come across before you place a single bet.

So here’s the question –

If I and a friend walk into a casino with $20,000 dollars then head over to the roulette table. We then split our stake and one of us bet on red and the other bets on black, what could stop us leaving the casino as winners.

So the Best Roulette Strategy Ever or a Waste of Time ?

It sounds such a simple plan to increase your chances. However most of us can see even without the slightest knowledge of casinos that there’s a problem here. Unfortunately you’d be absolutely right and I’m afraid we haven’t discovered a way to win every time. It portrays a huge lack of understanding of how roulette works and perhaps most importantly the odds and pay outs involved in any roulette game. So here’s a quick summary of the potential outcomes of this scenario to explain the position, presuming I’ve chosen red and my friend places on black and we wager the maximum bet.

  • Scenario 1 – Roulette wheel spins black and my friend wins and doubles his money, I of course lose mine after betting on red. End result is we walk out with $20,000 dollars between use.
  • Scenario 2 – Roulette wheel spins red and I win and double my money, my friend loses their stake after betting on black. End result is we walk out with $20,000 dollars between us.
  • Scenario 3 – Roulette wheel spins and lands on zero (neither red or black) and you both lose your stake. End result you walk out without a penny.

It is unfortunately a plan with many flaws and ultimately without any chance of success whatsoever. The odds of winning are actually zero despite the even money bets! The best result you can achieve is to walk out with the same money you entered with, however there’s a risk that even that may not happen. Depending on whether there are one or two zeros on the wheel, you have either 2.8% or 5.6% chance of losing everything. American roulette tables have two zeros so you effectively double the risk of losing. This built in house advantage that exists in every casino game is called the house edge.

Beware Anything That Says – Win at Roulette Guaranteed

In essence this particular plan will never allow you to win anything and you run a risk of losing everything every time you play due to the casino advantage built into the game. It’s certainly not one of the roulette strategies that will win you any money, of course betting against yourself in any situation is unlikely to ever be successful.

You’d be much better playing something like the Martingale strategy which although also flawed does allow you actually win. It also relies on outside bets typically black/red odd/even combinations.

If you’re not convinced sign up to an online roulette game and test it out on their free games. Most online casinos and roulette sites have ‘just for fun’ modes – here’s my favourite one –

This is the problem of any of these various tactics and roulette strategies that are guaranteed to win you money, they are always based on flawed mathematics. Any casino game which handed a guarantee of a player win would not exist for very long. You’ll notice if you research these various winning strategy methods that they’re nearly always a betting system than any method for playing the game.

How To Win Guaranteed Money On Roulette

Obviously because if you’re playing roulette and indeed most casino games there’s rarely any way to influence the actual game itself. Anything related to standard roulette games, of course there is a skill element to games like Blackjack and Poker. Many argue that your chance of winning is higher too. Blackjack has the lowest level of the ‘house edge’ when played properly, which means that the casino has the least advantage.

Winning Roulette Strategy

Every game has some built in advantage which means that all being equal, the casino will have a positive expectation i.e. they would normally win. Of course this doesn’t allow for luck and obviously many individuals win huge amounts of money in casinos. Although it should be worth reinforcing that this method actually guarantees you’ll never win! The game of roulette is best played at the whim of lady luck. Sure you potentially have the chance to win big with every spin but even the best strategy won’t beat pure luck!

Other Popular Strategies to Play Roulette

Roulette is a very old game and lots of betting strategy and techniques have developed over the long term. None of these are guaranteed to make you win at roulette whatever anyone says. Some though are sensible betting systems which can help you win by playing with some discipline. Whether this takes away some of the fun and spontaneity from what is basically just a game of chance is for you to decide. There is nothing illegal about these systems, casinos refer to them as advantage play methods and many strategy players use them routinely. Most of them have been around for decades, it’s pretty rare to find a completely new roulette strategies.

Here’s some of the most famous though –

Guaranteed Winning Roulette System Free

  • Martingale System – the most famous and oldest method which relies on one simple premise. Each time you lose you must double your bet on the next spin until you make a profit or at least break even. You should keep in mind that you might not be able to double your bet if you hit a losing streak either because of house limits of empty wallets! The Martingale roulette system usually is at the core of most other methods to beat roulette and of course guarantees nothing.
  • Grand Martingale – Modification of the original system following the same basic principles but a different method to increase your bet each time. Instead of doubling your bet you add an extra amount to ensure that you do make a profit. When it works it offers quick easy profits make sure you start with the minimum bet as this gets expensive very quickly!
  • Reverse Martingale – arguably this is a definite refinement of the original system and is actually very popular with modern roulette players. Again a betting strategy but with reverse martingale you increase you bet when you win instead of doubling when you lose. This is designed to minimize the damage of a losing streak and the best way to make a large return on a winning roulette run!
  • D’Alembert Roulette Strategy – if you don’t like the extreme doubling of your best bets then try this one. It’s slightly more complicated but you can play for longer without the extreme risks – we explain this progressive betting system here – D’Alembert System of Roulette.
  • James Bond Strategy – a very quick technique when you have limited time. Place bets in multiples of say $200, split bet size as follows – $140 on a single number, $50 on one number from 13-18 and finally $10 on a single zero. This supposedly guarantees a win 2/3 of the time but if you’re unlucky can be costly.
  • Fibonacci Roulette Strategy – another variation for those who think using the Martingale system is a little risky, this is arguably a lot safer. Instead of doubling your bet you use numbers from the Fibonacci sequence. These are a series of numbers obtained from the sum of the previous two numbers e.g. 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610. This system should also be used with even money bets and hopefully a winning streak.

There are of course, many more of these strategy tips and systems which promise that you’ll make money and beat roulette every time. You can of course be lucky and find that a strategy works but it doesn’t mean it will next week. The chances of winning remain the same with all these systems and the roulette player can’t alter that legally! The flaw with most of these revolves around the table limit or the potentially enormous stakes required if things go wrong.

Roulette Strategy

Remember roulette is just a game, there’s no real secret – winning at roulette requires one vital ingredient called luck ! It doesn’t matter how good your roulette tips are always be careful when playing with real money. Playing roulette should be fun without the expectation of winning. Don’t expect to win the game of roulette every time!

You can see the best bet to place on a roulette table in this post, this is the one the casinos dislike not the Bond roulette strategy !

The only situation where people are statistically expected to win in a casino is where there is some sort of flaw or weakness to exploit. This could be similar to the tactic employed by Gonzalo Garcia Pelayo who studied individual roulette wheels looking for any apparent biases. There are lots of situations where this could happen, a problem with the wheel, maybe a croupier who is trying to pitch for certain areas. Although this is actually much more difficult than you would imagine and really pretty much impossible on a properly set up wheel.

Ultimately there’s no perfect roulette strategy, most of the ones you see online are actually betting strategies rather than how to play. Many of them are based on progression systems like Martingale which rely on people putting in increasing stakes and very specific bets. If you do think you’ve found such a system think again, or at the very least go and test it out in an online casino using their free play systems. It will save you some money, guaranteed.

100% Winning Roulette System

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