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The Coyote Coupon Book of Apache Junction, East Mesa and Gold Canyon has featured the best independent restaurants, entertainment, golf and services since 1999. It’s a great local fundraiser and well worth the $20 bucks, with hundreds, if not thousands of dollars local in savings.
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There are bunch of places near Coyote Grill giving great discounts. Looking for Coyote Grill coupon codes, gift cards and offers? Want to know if Coyote Grill offers specials like 20% off food, specials during holidays, or coupon codes? Coyote Grill often posts to their social media accounts about their deals. The Coyote Coupon Book is full of coupons to guarantee family fun activities at a discount. Learn more about the great deals by connecting with them on Facebook. Have you visited the GoldField Ghost Town with coupons from the Coyote Coupon Book yet?
But for now, the Coyote Coupon Book is not the focus of this website. The focus is on the Small Business Warriors that are doing everything they can to pull through this current crisis. Many of them are dear friends that I have known personally for over 20 years. They’ve put their hearts and souls into these businesses and they can use all the help they can get.
With the Covid-Craziness, we all have to pull together.

Whenever possible, please Shop Small & Shop Local. The McDonalds and the Walmarts of the world will weather this storm. The independent businesses may not, especially without your express decision to support them with your consumer choice and your dollars.
Together, we WILL get through this!
Leslie Kay & Cash Coyote
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Coyote Coupon Book
PO Box 6753
Apache Junction AZ 85178